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Festool plungesaw

  • Type: Plungesaw
  • Manufacturer: Festool
  • Model: TS 55 REBQ-plus 1200W
  • Location: Wood workshop
  • Instruction required: Manual, Videos

Festool plungesaw

The Festool TS 55 REBQ-plus is a precision plunge saw ideal for accurate, long cuts with track guidance. Always follow these guidelines for safe and effective use.

How to use

  1. Before Use:
    • Select the Correct Blade: Ensure you know which blade to use. If unsure, do not operate the saw. Read about the blades here
    • Prepare the Cutting Area: Make sure the area beneath your cut is clear to avoid damaging tables or metal trestles.
    • Connect the Suction System: Attach the saw to the suction system using the 230V outlets marked “Auto Suction.” This ensures the suction starts and stops with the saw.
  1. During Use:
    • Use Appropriate Track Length: Use a track only if the cut length exceeds 60 cm. Select a track that closely matches the length of your cut.
    • Secure the Track: Attach the track to the material using the Festool clamps found in the box below the track saw. For longer cuts, join two tracks using the connectors also stored in the box.
    • Minimize Overhang: Avoid excessive track overhang beyond 40 cm to ensure stability.
    • Cut with Assistance: Usually 2 people are needed to cut items. 1 to cut and 1 to hold the cut off piece. Don't attempt to do both yourself.
  1. After Use:
    • Clean Up: Disconnect the saw from the suction system and return all clamps, tracks, and accessories to their designated storage area.
    • Inspect the Equipment: Check for any visible damage to the blade, track, or clamps and report issues to a board member.

Video guides


  1. Regular Maintenance:
    • Blade Cleaning: Ensure blades clean & sharp. If not, contact the board and stop immediately.
    • ??
  2. Boardmember Maintenance:
    • ??
wood/plungesaw.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/09 14:53 by Hørður Andreasen