Table of Contents
- Type: Hand tool
- Manufacturer: Assorted
- Model: Unknown
- Location: Wood workshop
- Instruction required: Videos
Hand planes
Handplanes are precision tools for shaping and smoothing wood surfaces. We offer an assortment of regular handplanes, flat and rounded spokeshaves for fine contour work.
The planes are located with a box of plane wax to prevent rust and reduce friction. There is also a screwdriver only to be used with the planes.
How to use
- Before Use:
- Watch the instructional videos on how to setup a handplane and proper usage.
- Apply a light coat of plane wax on the sole of the plane to reduce friction.
- The screwdriver should only be used with the planes.
- To avoid damage to the blade tip when removing the chip breaker: After losing the screw, retract the chip braker, then rotate 90 degrees before sliding it of the blade. Reverse when Attaching the chip breaker again is the reverse order.
- Setup:
- The chip breaker should be 0,5-1 mm from the tip of the blade.
- The “leaver cap” should only be tightened so that the “Lateral adjustment leaver” and “Depth Adjustment Wheel” are still easy to adjust. Use the screwdriver to adjust the leaver cap screw after disengaging the cam.
- After fully retracting the blade with the “Depth Adjustment Wheel”, sight down the plane sole against a white background and advance the blade until you see the tip of the blade. Use the “Lateral adjustment leaver” to ensure the plane blade is perfectly parallel with the sole.
- Retract the blade fully before use and then advance the blade until the shaving is good.
- If one side of the blade shaves wood first, the lateral adjustment can be used to get an even shaving.
- Do not adjust the mouth opening
- During Use:
- Only use the tool for solid wood.
- Do not use if wood has been sanded. Always plane before sanding. Never the other way around.
- Sanding wood will leave behind small grains from the sandpaper which will dull the blade of the hand planes.
- After Use:
- Remove any wood debris from the tools
- Apply a light coat of plane-wax on any exposed steel surface to prevent rust.
- Store in the appropriate location
Video guides and beginner projects
- Regular Maintenance:
- Apply plane-wax to prevent rust after use.
- Troubleshooting:
- If the chisel appears to be dull, try to strop the tool to reset the edge
- If this does not work, contact atm@atm.nu to get it sharpened and leave it in the office.
- Do not attempt to sharpen yourself!
- Boardmember maintenance:
- The chisels are sharpened on the Tormek T8 according to the manual.
wood/planes.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/05 01:19 by Hørður Andreasen