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Wood lathe

  • Type: Lathe
  • Manufacturer: OneWay
  • Model: 1640
  • Location: Wood workshop
  • Instruction required: Manual, Videos

Woodworking Lathe

This tool needs to be connected to the suction system whenever in use.

In all good woodworking workshops, there is a lathe (also called woodturning bench). The lathe is used to cut/carve cylindrical wood pieces. The lathe at ATM is a ONEWAY 1640 Lathe with up to 40“ (101.6 cm) Distance between Centers (cut length) and 16” (40.64 cm) Swing over Bed (cut diameter).

This tool needs to be connected to the high volume suction system whenever in use, and the valve for it needs to be opened.


Before turning a piece of wood, make sure that you have rounded the workpiece as much as possible with other tools. Making a large square piece into a cylindrical piece will take a long time and can easily damage the cutting tools.
Using the bandsaw is recommended to somewhat round material before working on it with the lathe.

To turn on the lathe, the power switch on the electrical box below the motor unit needs to be turned on. Then the power switch on the speed controller box needs to be pushed. Always start with a slow speed when starting a new work piece to see if it is properly fixed on the lathe.


Available tools

There are different chisels and tools around the lathe for different applications. All tools that belong to the lathe are and should be around the lathe. Any tools that you may find elsewhere in the club are not to be used for woodturning (with the exception of sandpaper).





Other tools



Here a map showing the location should be added


Informative videos

A lot of informative videos about woodturning can be found on Youtube. However, caution must be taken as a lot of the Youtube “woodworking influencers” seem to not know what they are talking about. Therefore, you as a reader must take care in choosing what video to follow.

wood/lathe.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/09 14:52 by Hørður Andreasen