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Getting started

You want to write a wiki site? Start by reading this article to see what can be done on this wiki.

General dokuwiki manual:

Becoming a user

To become a user of this wiki, and therefore be able to write articles, you need to sign up using the “Register” button in the top right corner of the wiki site. When registering, you need to insert your preferred username, your real name, and your e-mail. Keep the real name correct as that allows other users to see who is the author to the articles. This helps users to contact the person who wrote the site if some information e.g. needs clarification.

When you have registered as a user, you need to contact a board member who can then give you writing access to the wiki. This extra step is made to make sure that unwanted spam accounts will not flood the wiki with unwanted information.

Adding new articles

The first step of making a new article is to create the link to it. Please try to keep the structure of the wiki somewhat clean by grouping relevant articles together under correct categories. Lets say that you want to make a site about the metal working lathe. Start by navigating to the start site and press “edit this page” (the pen on the righthand side of the page). Locate the Metalworking category and insert

  * [[metal:lathe|Metal lathe]]

To preview your changes, use the preview button at the bottom of the page, below the text field you are editing. When you are happy with your change, use the save button, but remember to write a comment in the summary field to state why you changed the site.

When your edit has been saved, the link appears red. This means that the article does not exist. When the article has been made, the link turns green.

To make the red linked article, you can simply press the link, click the right hand side pen, and start spilling out all your information.

Writing on DokuWiki is similar to LaTeX and/or HTML syntax, more on that at

Template to a site

When starting to write an article, you can start by copying the following template and fill in your information.

====== TITLE ======

===== Section 1 =====

==== Subsection 1 ====

==== Subsection 2 ====

===== Section 2 =====

Syntax and features

All the most important syntax features available in the installed DokuWiki can be found in the top of the text editor. Play around with those and see which fits you the best.

More information can also be found here: Formatting Syntax

Images and media

Inserting images and media into your wiki article is easy. Just click the image frame symbol in the syntax header and a popup window appears where you can upload your files.

When uploading your files, please remember to give your files good names, as if the names are “random”, it makes it way more difficult to sort later.

Installed Plugins

The following table shows the list of plugins added to this wiki site.

Plugin Reason Link
Wrap Used for better image and site layout
Vshare Easily embed videos from various Video Sharing sites like YouTube or Vimeo
general/wiki.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/10 11:32 by Administrator