**{{$tool_box.name}}** \\
{{$tool_box.image}} \\
* **Type:** {{$tool_box.type}} \\
* **Manufacturer:** {{$tool_box.manufacturer}} \\
* **Model:** {{$tool_box.model}} \\
* **Location:** {{$tool_box.location}} \\
* **Instruction required:** {{$tool_box.instruction}} \\
* {{$tool_box.manual}} \\
====== Disc Sander ======
===== About =====
Disc sander (JET JDS12) is a 300mm disc sander meant for use on wood.
This tool needs to be connected to the suction system whenever in use.
{{ :wood:discsander:sander.jpg?direct&600 |}}
===== Location =====
Here a map showing the location should be added
===== Documentation =====
{{ :wood:discsander:jds-12.pdf |Datasheet for JDS-12}}
==== Informative videos ====
{{ youtube>6Yg37xvBlEs?large }}
==== Changing of sanding disc ====
Changing of the sanding disc should only be done with a permission from the ATM board!
When the disc stops sanding properly, it might either need cleaning or replacing.
Sometimes it is sufficient to use the air gun to blow dust from the disc to extend its lifetime and get it to sand a little better.
To remove the old disc, start by unplugging the machine from the outlet. Locate the screws holding the metallic land in place. Remove the land and then proceed to remove the front cover of the lower half of the disc. Simply rip off the disc, as it is fastened using hook-and-loop fasteners. To assemble, do the previous steps in reverse. Voila!